“The Sound of Linz” is an innovative field recording project that showcases the soundscape of the city of Linz through an interactive map. Developed with the guidance of Professor Gerhard Funk, the project provides participants with a multi-sensory experience that enables them to explore and engage with the city in a new way.
The project is presented at the Deep Space Studio of the Linz Art University, where participants can stand on marked points on the map and listen to the unique sounds of each location. These sounds include ambient noise, human voices, and natural sounds that create a sense of place and immerse the listener in the acoustic landscape of the city.
Furthermore, the project has been made available online through a web version, thanks to the assistance of University Cécile Bucher. This digital version offers individuals the opportunity to explore the sounds of Linz from anywhere in the world, making the project accessible to a wider audience.
In summary, “The Sound of Linz” is a fascinating project that provides a fresh perspective on the soundscape of this vibrant urban environment. By encouraging participants to engage with the city’s sounds in a new and meaningful way, the project offers a unique and immersive experience that highlights the importance of acoustic landscapes in shaping our perception of the world around us.